Real-time fleet operation insights

Real-time data such as weather forecasts, manmade or natural disasters, or route changes can significantly improve safety, fuel efficiency, and time to destination. Always-on connectivity makes it possible.

Key Features

Seamless Handover

The Monogoto SIM will automatically switch cellular networks as your fleet connectivity changes — for example crossing country borders, guaranteeing always-on connectivity for maximum results.

Connectivity Resiliency

Cellular connectivity in 180 countries via 550+ networks with remote SIM profile swap capabilities guarantee that you are always connected.

Full Control & Visibility​

Self-service connectivity management platform for data traffic control, network visibility, alerts, policies enforcement, roaming and more.


Fleet managers continually balance efficiency, cost reduction, and compliance with safety regulations. The wealth of available data — essential vehicle information, weather disruptions, incidents, driving behavior —  cannot afford to be interrupted or delayed.  To ensure timeliness and accurate action, always-on connectivity with multinational coverage, in-country network resilience, and dynamic roaming management is essential.


Access to the Monogoto cellular cloud means fleet managers and telematics providers can manage, control and secure their vehicles globally without interruptions or delays. This ensures a wide variety of advanced capabilities, such as: seamless global connectivity, increased fleet security, remote access for diagnostics, reduced operating costs, new business operation models and more.